Past Masters who are members in good standing of a Craft Lodge are eligible for membership in the Past Masters’ Association. An application for membership must be recommended by a member in good standing of the Association.

The Dues are only $15.00, commencing May 1st, 2020.
Payment may be made either electronically or through the mail.
Electronically – Interac Transfer to [email protected] or
Mail – Send your cheque, payable to The Masonic Past Masters Association, to:
1189 Sixth Line, Oakville, ON, L6H 1W8
Special Notice to Immediate Past Masters.
The Immediate Past Master of a Lodge in the Hamilton Districts will receive free membership in the Association for the balance of the Past Masters’ fiscal year, plus the following year.
The Association holds a minimum of 4 meetings per year. At each meeting, following a period of fellowship and a satisfying breakfast, we introduce a guest speaker to engage the membership with a presentation on a timely and engaging subject. For a review of past and future meetings agendas, please consult our Event Schedule Page.
Our meetings have traditionally been held at either the Hamilton Shrine Club or the Hamilton Scottish Rite Club. Members will be notified well in advance if there is a change in the venue. The meet and greet commences at 8:30 am followed by breakfast at 9:00 am and then a presentation by our guest speaker. After our Guest Speaker’s presentation, brief reports and announcements of the Executive and updates from the District DDGM’s are presented. Reservations may be made by accessing our Event Reservations Page
If you are interested in joining this great Association, please attend our next meeting and the application will be processed on the spot. We hope to see you then.